Caroline Lacoma



Caroline Lacoma is 23 and lives in South East England.
Originally from the French speaking island Guadeloupe where she was raised until 3 years ago when she decided to move to the UK to pursue studies in Theology. In 3 years, her journey has been one of personal, artistic and intellectual growth.

In describing her work she notes that since she begun to produce more self-portraits she has become more unapologetic. Portraying herself as a young Black Woman of the diaspora is her way of protesting and breaking the margins in which white supremacy and patriarchy inevitably put people looking like her. Her motive in this series is to combine her Blackness and her womanhood to inspire, to set free and to challenge...almost provoke.

“There is power in turning what should have kept oppressing you into what liberates you. And today my Blackness and my Womanhood, hand in hand, set me free.”