Slim Soledad



Martyrdom, from the Latin MARTYRIUM, torment or great suffering. Martyrdom is a person who suffers persecution or even death for defending, resigning or refusing to defend a cause required by an external force. In many cases, the term is attributed to someone who dies in the name of a social or political ideal.

This work is developed from searching for the ideals of humanization and socio-political standards imposed on bodies seen as bad, feminine, deviant, rebel and dissident.

The piece brings a little bit of poetry and playfulness where an atmosphere is created to metaphorically represent: How do we feel this pressure? What are we? Why do some bodies die just because they exist?

MARTYRIUM | Slimitrofe Soleded

Slim Solded is a Black travesti, Performer and DJ from Sao Paulo, Brazil based in Berlin. Her body moves through the different sounds inter-passing rhythms like Brazilian Funk, Vogue and contemporary dances. These connections develop nuances in her body's creative process as a performer and as a musician. Slim Soleded is Co-founder of the queer collective “Chernobyl” focused on a POC and LGBTQIA+ audience.