Sonia Harris
We met Sonia through a competition we ran in December 2020. She shared with us her story and her work and we’re honoured to be able to platform on PRIM.
Sonia also known as ‘Smiling Sonia’ says “I want to start my bio differently to most. Kindness is what I’m all about. Kindness to others and kindness to myself.
I am a 57 year old Black Lesbian born in the UK to Jamaican parents. This is the main lens from which I have viewed and experienced the world since coming out at the age of around 23.
I am a mother of 2 children, one conceived in the traditional way and the other 17 years later, the turkey baster method - well near enough.
Being a Black Lesbian mother has given me a unique perspective on life. I am grateful that I was given the opportunity to give and receive the love of a child, and experience the insatiable love towards grandchildren.
More recently I've been diagnosed with a chronic illness, Mollaret’s Meningitis, also known as recurrent viral meningitis. I am an introvert and sometimes shy so if left to my own devices I'm quite happy loitering in the background away from the crowds.
As a result of my chronic illness I rediscovered my love of writing and express my creations through the spoken word. I am sharing my viral meningitis recovery story, Thriving With a Chronic Illness, to give hope to others with this rare condition. I also want to inspire others to find their voice too.” - Sonia Harris
Sonia also known as ‘Smiling Sonia’ says “I want to start my bio differently to most. Kindness is what I’m all about. Kindness to others and kindness to myself.
I am a 57 year old Black Lesbian born in the UK to Jamaican parents. This is the main lens from which I have viewed and experienced the world since coming out at the age of around 23.
I am a mother of 2 children, one conceived in the traditional way and the other 17 years later, the turkey baster method - well near enough.
Being a Black Lesbian mother has given me a unique perspective on life. I am grateful that I was given the opportunity to give and receive the love of a child, and experience the insatiable love towards grandchildren.
More recently I've been diagnosed with a chronic illness, Mollaret’s Meningitis, also known as recurrent viral meningitis. I am an introvert and sometimes shy so if left to my own devices I'm quite happy loitering in the background away from the crowds.
As a result of my chronic illness I rediscovered my love of writing and express my creations through the spoken word. I am sharing my viral meningitis recovery story, Thriving With a Chronic Illness, to give hope to others with this rare condition. I also want to inspire others to find their voice too.” - Sonia Harris